Thursday 17 September 2009


Last night was film night and having watched crash previously I thought I would give it another try and found it compelling and really different to a lot of films I've watched. Crash is set in LA and has a very complex plot about how how people's lives intertwine and cause each other's lives to change. The film focuses on the massive changes that come about in the two lives when they collide, it has very clever racial undertones which tend to cause the most explosive collisions in the very large casts lives. Crash is an extremely intelligently directed film as it could have easily been a sequence of unrelated events but it is so well filmed that everything connects and you feel engaged with every character even though there are so many of them. I think Paul Haggis (director) made this film fantastically well as it could have gone horribly wrong but I found really entertaining and thought provoking.

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